Catalyze Your Creativity

Journey into self-illumination. Play with the creative process. Contemplate and initiate. Explore the Gene Keys teachings. Recognize your higher calling.

You were born with your own brand of creativity.

Let’s discover what that is.

Creating anything, whether it’s a concept, an artwork, a landscape design, a piece of music, a delicious dessert, an automotive design, clothing, jewelry, technology…truly anything…requires that you get out of your own way and approach it with a playful mindset.

Creating something original from your heart requires facing your fears, knowing your inner self, and recognizing what truly makes you happy.

Explore creative processes, have fun, and dare to bring your style of creativity into the world.

The Gene Keys

Get Creativity Guidance

Andi has been professionally advising and guiding creativity since 2003. A deep passion for helping thousands of art students and clients discover their thought and creative processes coupled with “What do you REALLY want to be when you grow-up?” has helped refine creative vision and output for people of all ages.

The Gene Keys approach has polished Andi’s ability to guide people towards their higher calling in life – what people were born to bring into this world and share with others. Get in touch with your inner child, play, create, explore, dive deep into your inner self and dare to leap beyond your comfort zone.

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Andi Landsbach

An artistic mystic guiding your self-illumination and creativity

Andi is a Creative Catalyst with over twenty years of experience as an art and creativity educator in public schools and private settings. Andi is also a painter and photographer who understands the desire to be authentically creative. Passionate about helping others unlock their creative potential and igniting their evolution toward their authentic selves, Andi is not deterred by how difficult or long the journey takes.

Andi is a Gene Keys Guide who has spent the last two years personally evolving through contemplation and embodiment of the Gene Keys synthesis of teachings. This approach has accelerated her personal development and deepened her artistic creativity. Andi combines her professional experience as an educator and artist alongside the Gene Keys approach to guide individuals through their self-illumination journey and creative endeavors.

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