Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer regarding the Gene Keys, Playful Universe, and Andi Landsbach: This session is a personal journey of self-exploration, using a contemplative practice combined with creative exploration. As your Guide, I am fully responsible for running this Profile session, Study group, Workshop, Retreat or Event, and any guidance or support I am giving you is to assist your own journey of self-discovery. I too remain a student of Gene Keys and I am neither a teacher nor a trainer of the Gene Keys – I am a Gene Keys Guide. I am a professional Art and Creativity Educator with 20+ years of experience and have the credentials and experience to practice as such. Your participation in this session is your acceptance that I do not provide any type of psychological, therapeutic support or other professional advice. You accept that you are fully responsible for your own well-being, choices and actions. I shall not be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial decisions or damages you may incur after attending this event. Any information or data shared with me prior or during the sessions, or any events, is in strict confidence and will not be shared, published or otherwise used for my or anyone else’s benefit or be stored or filed in any system against your expressed wishes.